Auto Start

Knowledge Base (beta)

Auto Start (v5.2+)

The Auto Start feature lets you set any items on the schedule to go Live at a particular set time.

Set Auto Start

  1. Click the Auto Start blue button (with the blue clock icon) beside the schedule or via Menu->Manage->Set Auto Start.
  2. The Auto Start Window will open.
  3. At the left pane, click the item you want to auto start and click the right blue arrow to add it to the Auto Start List.
  4. Adjust the Auto Start time for that item to the time you want it to auto start.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for any other items you want to auto start.
  6. Click OK to save and exit the Auto Start window.
  7. At the item’s set Auto Start time, the item will go live.


  • Any items on the schedule can be given an Auto Start time.
  • Each item can only have one Auto Start time.
  • The maximum number of Auto Start items on a schedule is 200.
  • One hour before an Auto Start item goes live, a countdown clock will appear at the top of the Output pane.
  • If easyslides is not live when the countdown for an auto start item reaches zero, easyslides will start the live show with the item.
  • If easyslides is live when the countdown for an auto start item reaches zero, the current live item will stop and the Auto Start item will go live.
  • As it may take a few seconds for an item to load and display, an auto start item might not be displayed on screen at the exact time assigned to it. To overcome this delay, you can set the “Load Auto Start Items Early” value to set the number of seconds the items load early. For example, if you set the value to 2 then each auto start item will start to load 2 seconds before its Auto Start time, which will help to display the item at the assigned time.  You will need to adjust and test the “Start Auto Start Items Early” value to find a value appropriate to your PC.