
Home Forums Easyslides 5 Multicast


  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 weeks ago by broetman. This post has been viewed 58 times
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  • #889
    Falco Emmanuele

    salve a tutti, non ho ancora capito bene come funzioni il multicast di easyslides 5. qualcuno potrebbe darmi qualche spiegazione?


    Dear Falco,
    Please write your questions in English, as this is an international forum.

    Google translate says:
    Hi everyone, I still haven’t fully understood how easyslides 5 multicast works. Could anyone give me some explanation?


    It’s intended use is to be able to connect a second PC, connencted in the (W)LAN, and use it as (an extra) monitor for the projectection or stage screens.
    So both have to ‘see’ each other and ports, nickname and passwrods have to be defined and exchanged for proper data transfer. You find that in the settings page in the multicast tab.


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