Easyslides 5 uses MyBible Sqlite and Zefania format Bibles which means you have a wide range of Bibles to choose from. Please note that easyslides only supports the canon of 66 books, consisting of 39 Old Testament books and 27 New Testament books.

There are 3 ways to add Bibles in Easyslides 5:-

Method 1 – Download Easyslides-supplied Bibles

  1. In easyslides 5 menu, select Manage->Holy Bibles->Add Bible.
  2. Easyslides will connect to easyslides.com and list all Bibles supplied by easyslides.
  3. From the list, click on the Bible you want to download and install.
  4. You will be informed if the installation is successful.
  5. (List of Easyslides-supplied Bibles)

Method 2 – Download Third Party Online Bibles

  1. In easyslides 5 menu, select Manage->Holy Bibles->Third-Party Online.
  2. Easyslides will connect to easyslides.com and list some commonly used Bibles located at other third-party websites.
  3. From the list, click on the Bible you want to download and install.
  4. You will be informed if the installation is successful.
  5. Please note that the listed Bibles are not provided by easyslides.com and the links are listed for your convenience.
  6. (List of third party online Bibles)

Method 3 – Download Bibles From Other Websites and Install into Easyslides

  1. Visit the MyBible Sqlite or Zefania websites, then search and download the Bible you want.
  2. In easyslides 5 menu, select Manage->Holy Bibles->File Import.
  3. Click the folder icon to locate your downloaded Bible, then click the Add button.
  4. You will be informed if the installation is successful.